Melbourne Institute of Australia

Applicable Fees & Charges


Total Amount


Course Fees

Please refer to the website

Your fees are protected under tuition protection scheme (TPS).


If you are experiencing financial hardship, you may select the option of payment plan

Material fees

Please refer to the Letter of Offer and Acceptance Agreement

At commencement of course

Deferment Fee


Application fees


Changes to COE / Changes to course (If COE has to be changed)

AU $300.00

At application

Supplementary Assessment

2 free re-assessment attempts

Supplementary Assessment

$350/after two free resubmission attempts

Unit Repeat cost


Replacement Student ID


Credit Transfer

No Charge


RPL fees

$150 per unit

Certificate re-issue fee

$50 for certificate re-issue

Student Photocopying

10c per page

Overseas Health Cover

Please refer the cost of living section.

Interim academic transcript

No Charge


Late Payment processing Fee



Airport pickup


Placement Fees


Kitchen Kit


Enrolment fees


Re Enrolment Fee after Cancellation of COE


Due to Non Payment / Disciplinary Action

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